My quiet hell

Jag tycker inte om att känna mig otillräcklig.
Singing drunken lullabies
Jag och några vänner har börjat prata Dublin och jag hoppas så innerligt att jag kan få semester så att jag kan följa med. Alla övriga har redan sagt ja och löst det så nu är det bara jag kvar. Vore skit att få stå kvar på andra sidan när de åker och roar sig! Jag och en till i sällskapet har varit där förut medan de andra aldrig har satt sin fot i den underbara pulserande staden och det vore så jäkla roligt att ta med dem dit och visa dem alla fantastiska ställen. Jag älskar Dublin och en vårhelg där känns som att det skulle vara precis vad jag behöver!

Want back my ignorance and bliss

I think I've had enough of this
Whether you should give up or try
When you're out on you're own
And you need some time to decide
Whether you're strong enough
Whether you should give up or try
As you stand on you're own
Here's hoping you'll find,
It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
When it seems impossible
And you think that you might be lost
When you're feet start to run
And the shackles come off
Look around for the things you need,
And you need some time to decide
Whether you're strong enough
Whether you should give up or try
As you stand on you're own
Here's hoping you'll find,
It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
When it seems impossible
And you think that you might be lost
When you're feet start to run
And the shackles come off
Look around for the things you need,
you'll find them inside
It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
It's a good day, it's a good day, it's a good day
I'm not living without hope
you can't tell me that i'm wrong,
try to teach me how to come back to my senses, cause I won't
I'm not living without hope
You can't tell me that I'm wrong
Trading places with the person that I thought I was before
You can't tell me that i'm wrong, just as long as I survive
Cause it's a good day to be alive
When you're out on you're own
And you need some time to decide
Whether you're strong enough
Whether you should give up or try
When you stand on you're own
Here's hoping you'll find,
It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
I'm not living without hope
you can't tell me that i'm wrong,
try to teach me how to come back to my senses, cause I won't
I'm not living without hope
You can't tell me that I'm wrong
Trading places with the person that I thought I was before
You can't tell me that i'm wrong, just as long as I survive
Cause it's a good day to be alive

It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
It's a good day, it's a good day, it's a good day
I'm not living without hope
you can't tell me that i'm wrong,
try to teach me how to come back to my senses, cause I won't
I'm not living without hope
You can't tell me that I'm wrong
Trading places with the person that I thought I was before
You can't tell me that i'm wrong, just as long as I survive
Cause it's a good day to be alive
When you're out on you're own
And you need some time to decide
Whether you're strong enough
Whether you should give up or try
When you stand on you're own
Here's hoping you'll find,
It's a good day, it's a good day to be alive
I'm not living without hope
you can't tell me that i'm wrong,
try to teach me how to come back to my senses, cause I won't
I'm not living without hope
You can't tell me that I'm wrong
Trading places with the person that I thought I was before
You can't tell me that i'm wrong, just as long as I survive
Cause it's a good day to be alive

Genom en iskall vinter
Jag har lärt mig att saknaden är värst när nån har sovit som ett barn
Genom en iskall vinter
Du är min hjälte för du vågar vara rak
Du är min hjälte för du är precis så svag som jag
och hjälp mig, jag behöver dig igen, igen, igen...
Och du säger att saknad kan man lära sig att leva med ibland
Genom en iskall vinter
Och du säger att saknad kan man lära sig att leva med ibland
Genom en iskall vinter